The English marketing term "social proof" can perhaps best be translated as "social probity". It is used to describe potential customer behavior. It is said to be "socially proven" if it is followed by many other potential customers. In our case, this means that if you tell a potential customer in a suitable way that customer A and customer B have also bought a product, the probability that this customer "C" will also buy the product increases. In the case of a sales website, for example, this can be realized with a small pop-up that is displayed to a website visitor: "Mr. Meier from Doberlug-Kirchhein also just bought this course 5 minutes ago.
And exactly such "Social Proof" - popups can be created with Builderall very easily and without programming anything explicitly.
In order to create a "Social Proof", the corresponding app must first be opened. The fastest way to do this is via "ALL TOOLS" (search function!):
Then click "Open" on the corresponding tile to create a new campaign. You will find the corresponding button under the side menu item "My campaigns":
This opens a comprehensive input window, which you now have to fill out.
The first thing you need to enter here is a short and snappy campaign name - the name of the website into which you want to integrate the social proof popup is best suited here.
The "Action Label" is the place to enter what should be offered. In this example, it is "Exceptional home accessories...". Next, specify which Builderall application you want to use to collect the data. Usually, this will be a Mailingboss form. From there, the app will later fetch the data that will be displayed.
When a website visitor clicks on the popup, then they will be redirected to a new web page. Which one that is, you enter in the "URL to redirect on popup click" field.
The next fields refer to the time interval at which the popup should be displayed on the web page (e.g. when the visitor has been on the web page for half a minute) and how long it will be displayed (here in the example 5 seconds).
As a rule, you can leave "Standard" as the "Theme". What you have to do in any case is to upload a suitable icon or select one from your Builderall repository. Furthermore you can define in a next step at which position of the screen (desktop) the popup should appear. The corresponding drop-down box offers the four options "Bottom left", "Bottom right", "Top left" and "Top right". The "Bottom left" option has proven to be the best.
Furthermore, you can use switches to additionally specify whether the social proof should also be displayed on the smartphone and whether a display of the user location is desired.
With the help of CSS, an experienced developer can also influence the visual design of the popup. Usually, however, the field remains empty.
After you have made all the settings, you can create the new social proof campaign by clicking the "Create" button: