
Create Websites with CHEETAH

Special websites and techniques (3)

Creation of an ideal landing page

If the goal is to sell digital products, invite people to a webinar, or simply to collect leads - for example, via a freebie mail addresses for email marketing - then a landing page is the website of choice. Your only goal is to get the visitor to take a specific action. This can be downloading a paid or free (often in exchange for the email address) eBook or an educational video, inviting the visitor to a webinar, or directing the visitor to a specific website or web store (Amazon) to buy a specific product and you, as an affiliate, collect some commission in the process...

In marketing terms, this is a so-called "funnel", which in this case has a particularly simple structure.

The most important point for a landing page is the attention factor. When a visitor calls up a landing page to which he has previously been referred via social media, for example, he has very specific ideas about what to expect there. He must therefore be able to recognize at first glance what is actually being offered here. In addition, the most important information must be presented here - and without having to scroll - in a compact and concise manner so that he can make a decision immediately, which in turn is to be facilitated by a "call to action". Or, to put it another way, a landing page must virtually provoke a "gut feeling" decision in the visitor. Because the probability that he will return to the page later is rather low. These considerations also lead to the structuring of a landing page, which must therefore be built up from different areas (represented in "Cheetah" by corresponding banners, for example):

Above the Fold – Area

This area is the part of the landing page that is visible without scrolling in the browser when it fades up. It consists of a narrow header area and a content area and is best represented in Cheetah by two separate banners.

The header area contains only two pieces of information. Once on the left the company logo and on the right, conspicuously, telephone number and e-mail address, through which contact is possible at any time. This area can of course also be designed as a sticky header, which retains its position at the top of the screen when scrolling through the landing page.

The content area always starts with a meaningful headline (H0 heading), which is followed by a supplementary subheadline (H1 heading). These two elements are very important and their formulation should therefore be given special attention. You need to encourage the visitor to absorb the following information. And this "following information" can be best placed in a short video, in which the product / service is presented with the main focus on the benefits for the customer. This video, which is best placed on the left below the subheader in the desktop version, should end with a concrete instruction that leads to the area to the right of it. This is the best place to place an opt-in contact form. It ends on a "call-to-action" button, which the visitor can then use to sign up for an email list, for example, and in return receive a freebie or further information that fits the topic. Of course, you can also use this area to immediately initiate a sales process, at the end of which the interested party can download a digital product.

The lowest area of the content page is reserved for any available trust elements (possibly also designed as a separate banner), which underline the seriousness of the offer. These include (selection):

Names and photos of the managing directors and the responsible contact persons and possibly all employees

By the way, for most of these items "Cheetah" offers corresponding banner templates, which then only need to be customized by you.

In "Cheetah" you will find banner templates for this area in the categories "Landing Page", "Lead Magnet Page", "Daily Deal", "Product launch", "Team" and "Call to Action", among others.

Reason why – Area

This section becomes visible only when you scroll the web page. In it, you explain in more or less detail why it is a good idea to use the offered product or service. You can do this in key words, with small graphics, by means of comparisons, and by means of a "Unique Selling Proposition" (USP). The page visitor must recognize from this information quasi immediately the advantages, which he has with use of the offered product and/or with the use of the appropriate service.

At the bottom of this area, there should again be an eye-catching "click-to-action" button that leads the visitor either directly to a sales page or to a contact form.

For this area, "Cheetah" provides banner templates in the categories "Contents", "Features" and "Call to Action".

Social Proof

This is where testimonials and reviews from customers belong. They should build trust in the product or service or the people behind it. Logos of satisfied customers or acquired seals of approval can also be listed here (after consultation). This area also ends with an eye-catching "call-to-action" button.

For testimonials, "Cheetah" of course also offers a larger number of banner templates, which only need to be customized by you.


For a landing page, it is sufficient to link the imprint and privacy policy in the footer. If necessary, this place is also a good place to announce the full company name.

Note: Extensive SEO optimization of landing pages is usually not worthwhile because, unlike "normal" websites, they are usually supplied with visitors through paid traffic (e.g. Facebook ads, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.).

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