
Create Websites with CHEETAH

Thinking about SEO (9)

Create 404 error page

Whenever the requested web page is not available, the 404 error is generated. It is not uncommon for a page to be displayed in the browser with messages such as "404 Not Found", "404 Page not available" or simply "404 Error". The number "404" stands for a special http status code that indicates that the resource requested by the browser was not found on the web server and thus informs the client (web browser) in the form of a response.

The most common reason for displaying a 404 error page is the removal of website content or its relocation to another web address (URL). But this does not always have to be the reason, because there are several other causes for the display of a 404 error page. Such causes can be for example (selection):

Many of these errors often go unnoticed for a long period of time if the website creator has failed to configure a special 404 error page. Because if no 404 error page is stored, the web server naturally cannot send back a suitable response to the requesting client (browser). Such a case also leads to a negative signal, which can have a medium-term effect on the ranking of the website in search engines such as Google or Bing in terms of SEO.

Some content management systems (CMS) ignore a 404 error message and display the page that is the last to be visible without errors via the URL when interpreted serially. Others automatically generate a standard 404 error page, but this is rarely optimal for the website visitor. Therefore, it should always be an option - at least for more extensive web projects - to design an individual error page. And this is very easy with "Cheetah".

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