
Create Websites with CHEETAH

The most important design elements at a glance (17)

Once the magazine is ready, the embed code can be generated by pressing the "Apply" button:

Using the "Copy" button, you can then easily copy it to the clipboard and transfer it to the iFrame / HTML element on your website in the usual way:

Instagram post embed

If you have a publicly viewable Instagram profile, then you can also easily embed your Instagram posts in web pages created with "Cheetah". To do this, switch to your Instagram page in your browser and pick a post published there:

Then click on the corresponding image (here the "Large butterbur weevil"), which will display the article in large size. While doing so, please pay attention to the three dots on top of each other in the upper left corner, because a small menu is hidden behind them.  

We are only interested in the entry "Embed" here:

And the rest should be clear. Copy embed code and transfer it to the iFrame / HTML - element via clipboard. And already the Instagram photo adorns your website:

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