
Create Websites with CHEETAH

Create your own blog (2)

The next menu item allows you to add different authors to the blog. Here you have to enter at least yourself as an author. However, you can also open the possibility for certain colleagues and friends to submit posts to this blog....

In the "About" section, enter the name and e-mail address of the selected author. If you want, you can also write something about this person and upload an avatar picture. Also, in the "Social media" section you have the possibility to enter links to all the social networks that the author has joined.

Note: To add another author to the blog, simply click the "+NEW AUTHOR" button and repeat the game. Using the 3-dot menu of the tile, you can later edit the information or delete the corresponding author from the blog.

By the way, in the author overview you can also see how many articles each author has published on the blog.

We will skip the next point "Post template" for now and go directly to the entry of a first own post. To do this, we create a new blog article under "Posts" with "+NEW POST". A special text editor with a right-hand side menu opens. It's a bit simple, but still has all the features you need to write and design a blog post: insert text, images, videos as well as web links; use different fonts, font sizes and font attributes; preset header formatting, bullets etc. pp. An inserted image or video can be continuously resized and moved in position. For alignment, special buttons are offered at the top of the image once the image is focused in the editor (try it out!).

Enter the blog title in the corresponding field in the right margin menu. There you can also choose a thumbnail for the blog post, set one or more categories as well as assign the author - and of course when the blog post should be posted (by default "immediately" = "instantaneous"). If you want, you can also influence the URL of the post and apply a predefined template to the blog post (of course, you must have created a corresponding template under "Post template" beforehand).

Important: The URL contains the title of the blog post. If it contains umlauts, you must edit the automatically generated URL, i.e. remove or substitute the umlauts (e.g. change "ä" to "ae"). Of course, you can also replace the automatically generated text with your own.

If all entries are OK, then the post can be saved via the "Save" button. If you have previously set the "Draft" slider to "off" (default setting), then it will also be published immediately on the blog page. The "Overview" page of the blog now looks like this:

But there are a few more menu items in the left side menu of the blog:

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