
Create Websites with CHEETAH

Selling digital products - the SuperCheckout (1)

You have written an eBook, developed your own learning course with "Builderall eLearning" or recorded a series of your own training videos and now want to promote and sell them on the Internet? Then Builderall is the ideal platform for you. Because digital products in particular are a) comparatively easy to create yourself and b) wonderful to market via the Internet. Special marketplaces have been created for this purpose, of which Digistore24 is probably the best known in German-speaking countries. But you can also use the internationally operating Builderall Marketplace to offer your digital products worldwide. The third option is for you to completely take over the marketing and sales process yourself. And this is where "Cheetah" and the unique "SuperCheckout" payment system integrated into it come into play. It allows you to build amazingly simple sales websites where you can offer your products and sell them right away, without using another service provider (payment providers like PayPal excluded). And as a vendor, you can attract affiliates to market your digital product for a commission. Affiliate management, commission calculation and commission distribution are other key functionalities of Builderall's SuperCheckout.

Note: Within the scope of this book, only the basic functionality of this payment system can be covered using a simple, easy-to-follow example. In order to be able to fully exploit all the subtleties of the Builderall SuperCheckout, a detailed study of this tool is indispensable. Also, just like "Cheetah", it is in constant development and further improvements and functions can be expected in the near future (if they have not already been implemented by the time this book is published, such as the announced automatic invoicing).

Sale of an eBook with payment processing via PayPal

In this example, a kind of landing page with sales function for an eBook is to be developed step by step. In principle, "eBook" can be replaced by any downloadable digital product. But of course, physical products can also be marketed via the Internet with SuperCheckout, if you take care of the delivery logistics yourself (or a special service provider). The limitation that still exists is that currently only one product (+ possibly a "bumpsell") can be sold per website. But this will probably change in future versions...

1. Create a new website

Prerequisite for using SuperCheckout is a website created with "Cheetah", which is done quickly via the "Create new website" function. The homepage will later serve as landing page ("offer page") for the eBook. In addition, we need a second page, to which the customer will be redirected after a successful purchase and where he can then download the purchased eBook and possibly other bonus material ("download" or "thank you page"). We will not go into this further here for the time being. It is sufficient for the next steps that these two pages exist.

As soon as the creation of these two pages is done, you will find the tool "SuperCheckout" in the left side menu in the website view, which we will start now.

2. Start SuperCheckout and enter business info

The first time you launch it, you will be immediately redirected to the "Business Information" page. Here you have to enter your contact information, i.e. name and address, company name as well as e-mail address and phone number. All mandatory fields are marked with an "*". The data entered here will be displayed to the buyer as soon as he buys your product. They will also be needed later (when the module is available) for invoicing:

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